Clark County Library Storytimes

Preschool - Storytimes & Programs Weekly Storytimes at the Library!  Storytimes take place every week throughout the year except the last two weeks in August, the week of Thanksgiving and the last two weeks of December. **There will be no storytimes on Wednesday, December 8 due to a staff in-service.

Baby Time (under 18 months) Storytimes
Program length: about 20 minutes.
Babies from birth to eighteen months enjoy songs, nursery rhymes, and fingerplays with their favorite adult. This program includes book-sharing time and language-enrichment activities.

Toddler (18-36 months) Storytimes
Program length: about 25 minutes.
Interactive storytime for caregivers and their children. Children ages 18-36 months and parents will participate as we share songs, rhymes, and stories.

Five and Under (0-5 years) Storytimes 
Program length: about 30 minutes.
This story program is targeted for all children under the age of five and their parents. Families will enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement activities while building language and literacy skills.

Preschool (3-5 years) Storytimes 
Program length: about 30 minutes.
Storytime for children ages three to five. Includes stories, songs, and much more to build literacy skills and help children develop a love for books.

Family Storytimes

Program length: 30-40 minutes.
A wide variety of books, songs, and participatory activities will be shared for children of all ages and their parents.

School Aged Storytimes 
Program length: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Booktalks, reading, and extended activities are the focus of these theme-based programs designed especially
for older children.

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